I am Multicultural

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I live in color.

I was born in El Salvador, raised in Miami and have been back and forth between worlds throughout my life. During the eighties, El Salvador erupted into civil conflict and when the bullets pierced our roof my parents quickly decided to migrate to the closest U.S. port; Miami. Ironically, Miami is where I learned to speak English. In today’s Miami you would probably learn to speak Spanish. Miami is a melting pot of cultures. I tasted the world in Miami and liked it. I finally became an U.S. citizen in 2001. Shortly thereafter, I left the U.S. to go back to live in El Salvador. After 12 years of living abroad,  I am back in Florida again. I have dual citizenship. I’m bilingual and I’m multicultural. I like that I am able to compare the emerging world to the first world and that I can appreciate the beauty in both. I believe this unique duality gives me an edge on my designs, my writing, my photography and my perspective in general.

Place: Here and there.
Impression & Feelings: I reckon I dream in English but I can never be too sure.

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